Learn how to educate the next generation of European citizens on climate change issues.
CLIMADEMY aims to create a European network to offer a comprehensive program where teachers will learn by using an efficient methodology how to educate the next generation of European citizens on climate change issues. The consortium (four EU countries) will develop and establish a network and community of practice, to create innovative strategies and programs for preparatory and continuous professional development for serving and student teachers on climate change and its impacts. Once established, it will be open to new members.

Four hubs in separate countries with specific foci driven by the regional particularities.
Open to all European education institutions. Educational material and online courses. 4 hubs in separate countries.
Online educational material focused on the drivers causing the human-induced climate perturbations, the impacts of climate change and the measures for sustainability.
5 minutes reads that help you better understand what climate change is and how effects our lives.
What is climate change?
Climate change describes a change in the average conditions — such as temperature and rainfall — in a region over a long period of time.
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Causes and effects of climate change
Fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – are by far the largest contributor to global climate change, accounting for over 75 per cent of…
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Global warming effects
The signs of global warming are everywhere, and are more complex than just climbing temperatures.
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Can we undo climate change?
What if we could remove enough CO₂ from the atmosphere to stop, and maybe even reverse, climate change?
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Keep on track with the latest news of Climademy.
How to write a successful Erasmus+ KA1 School Education Learning Mobility funding application
Climademy is organising a session to support schools and teachers who focus on their professional development to take advantage of Erasmus+ Learning Mobilities.
By participating in the webinar, teachers and headmasters will:
- Learn how they can write a successful Erasmus+ KA1 application.
- Discover useful tips on how to outline their strategy for medium- and long-term internationalization and modernization by presenting a development plan.
- Be informed about all the upcoming International Courses and the Summer School offered by Climademy.
Issue 2. JUNE 2023
CLAUDI has been launched/ Finnish Hub / German Hub / Greek Hub / Italian Hub
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Issue 3. OCTOBER 2024
Our message/ Finnish Hub / German Hub / Greek Hub / Italian Hub
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Issue 1. DEC 2022
Welcome message / What is CLIMADEMY? / Kick-off event / Outreach activities
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Autumn and Winter Schools 2024 in Crete and Germany
Please visit our Activities page to check on the details of the Autumn School that takes place in Crete (3-5 November, 2024) and the Winter School that takes place in Bremen (4-6 December, 2024)
October 2024
Climademy jointly organizes the Teacher’s Climate Change Forum in Finland
Climademy 2025 Final Conference
Join the CLIMADEMY Conference and Teachers’ Climate Change Forum 2025 in Finland! Click here to learn more.